Design and Construction
From a blank canvas, the Aqualife design and build team can offer solutions for any wetland and associated landscape scheme.
Whether a scheme is for a private or commercial client, local authority, environment agency or for various bodies such as The National Trust or Wildlife Trusts, the initial brief will include all forms of surveys and risk assessments, which if not already carried out by the client then Aqualife have the skill set to oversee the design issues that require consent prior to moving into the construction phase.
Compromise plays an integral part in the design development whether biased towards technical, aesthetic and/or budget constraints.
Adaptations of existing schemes are readily accepted and solutions offered in line with Aqualife’s generic project process procedures.

SUDS and Flood Management
The continuing slide to a wetter climate in the UK has resulted in more regular flooding occurrences. Offering a preventative flood management service is a key ingredient of Aqualife’s wide ranging skills.
Aqualife have the experience in the installation of water control equipment such as sluice gates, penstocks and any associated products required in the water or at its edge.
The designers, in collaboration with the clients and build team, will assess rainfall parameters and design out schemes accordingly.
Combinations of ditches, overflow ponds and attenuation provisions offer various solutions to suit the locations under review.
Contract Growing
We have worked on many medium-large scale contracts from commercial landscaping projects too private lake constructions. With the available resources and a skilled workforce that share your visions we are able to deliver volumes of plants to be delivered and/or planted within specified deadlines.
We have contributed too many water establishments nationwide which include: Lakes, Ponds, Rivers, Estuaries, Canals, Wetlands and Reedbeds.
Our goal is to provide you with industry leading quality of aquatic water plants on time and within your budget.

Ponds, Swimming Ponds and Lakes
Aqualife, year on year, have been commissioned to construct new ponds and lakes either for private or commercial clients, be it direct or via landscape consultants.
Aqualife have witnessed many a pond and lake constructed with a lack of detailed attention. Common pitfalls occur due to the ongoing complexities that come with the ever changing chemical and physical form of the water courses and these could have in hindsight been mitigated or eradicated.
Due to the exacting requirements of such schemes, Aqualife’s team plan these projects months in advance to ensure the appropriate resource is allocated and the construction is systematically quality checked against strict quality standards, be it a native or ornamental installation.
Aqualife’s capability to create swimming ponds for example, is enhanced not just by their core skills, but by calling on their five acre wetland nursery and utilising its home grown wetland plants. Together with the planting team’s understanding of the pond or lake’s topography, orientation and proximity of other redeeming features, they are able to reflect any client’s vision.
The hard and soft landscaping around any of the wetland projects is an integrated skill that flows naturally from the team’s experiences and so complement the whole vista.
Water Features
Due to Aqualife’s well established experiences, one specific attribute of the company is the capability to add features to any new wetland project or adapt an existing pond, lake or water course.
The addition of feature waterfalls has become very popular, as have jetties, decking, bridges and natural stone walls and steps in and around these ponds and lakes.
Vegetated slopes and walls are also features that can be accommodated where steep sloping gradients form part of the landscape and again Aqualife can be key in assessing the benefits of such features.

Wetland Habitat Creation
Aqualife’s natural enthusiasm for the enhancement of the countryside and its wildlife has crystallised through many of its projects The creation of natural habitation for many creatures such as voles, great crested newts, bird types native to their region and insects that thrive on the installed vegetation and marginal water plants is a credit to the designers and the practical knowledge contained within the business.
A section of the nursery has been planted up and is now a centre for the training of bird handlers via the British Trust of Ornithology as the habitat attracts various species that visit and nest within the curtilage of the nursery.
Working with individuals and commercial establishments who have an affinity to sustaining these environmental legacies has enhanced the pleasure of what can be created for future generations.
Maintenance and Repairs
Aqualife offer the full range of reactive or planned maintenance of ponds and lakes which varies depending on the individual circumstances and budgets.
The maintenance can range from hand clearing of excessive marginal planting, invasive plants, blanket weed or duck weed , extensive silt and vegetation removal using excavators, through to the re-modelling of any waterway that will ensure the continued enjoyment of ponds and lakes for many years to come.
Pump and fountain servicing plus fish husbandry are also catered for in the maintenance packages provided.
Aqualife specialise in all the potential repairs that could be required at any point in the life of ponds and lakes. Leaking ponds and collapsed banks for example, necessitating the partial or complete draining of water is a service Aqualife can perform competently and safely.

Enhancement of Existing Ponds, Lakes and Wetlands
Whilst all activities carried out by Aqualife can be viewed as enhancements of any pond, lake or water course, there are specific works that do offer tangible enhancements.
These additions to a pond or lake can be for example; re-shaping the contours of the banks, feature waterfalls, sittings areas, jetties, new or additional planting, hard landscaping around all or sections of the water. The list is extensive but no matter what is carried out, looking after and taking in the view of a pond or lake has arguably many therapeutic benefits to one’s wellbeing.
Aqualife as a company, take great care in maximising the qualities of any water project, as they fully appreciate the amenity value of all water features in whatever location they sit.